Flexible as the cloud, while cheap as on-premise

Let us manage your cloud workloads on your own hardware. Alternatively, use cheap virtual machines from cheap providers.

This way you get both: Flexible cloud features without paying the premium of fully managed and hosted cloud resources.


How it works

Based on Kubernetes icon
Based on Kubernetes

We use Kubernetes as the underlying orchestrator. You can create multiple clusters. Use it as you like, or let us fully manage it.

P2P networks icon
P2P networks

Auto-magically connect your nodes via a global P2P network, auto-optimized for shortest path communication.

Managed apps icon
Managed apps

Run managed apps (e.g. databases) on your clusters. The actual workloads are running on your hardware or on cheap virtual machines.

Bring your own nodes icon
Bring your own nodes

Simply connect your own nodes by following very simple join-instructions.

Run nodes in the cloud icon
Run nodes in the cloud

Alternatively, let us provision nodes on cheap cloud providers like Hetzner.

Use provider features icon
Use provider features

Use AWS EBS inside AWS zones and Hetzner Volumes in Hetzner zones. You can also use network resources like load balancers in zones.


Each month, you'll get 7 days worth of S-Cluster hours for free and only get charged for each additional hour. You also get 21 days worth of connected node hours, allowing you to run 3 nodes in this period.


S-Cluster: 0.01$/h ($7.20/month)
M-Cluster: 0.02$/h ($14.40/month)
L-Cluster: 0.03$/h ($21.60/month)

7 days worth of S-Cluster for free

HA Cluster

S+HA-Cluster: 0.03$/h ($21.60/month)
M+HA-Cluster: 0.06$/h ($43.2/month)
L+HA-Cluster: 0.09$/h ($64.8/month)

HA clusters bring high-availability and reduce potential outages on the control-plane of the cluster.

Connected Node

Node: 0.0015$/h ($1.08/month)

All connected nodes are accounted, including bring-your-own-nodes and Koobox provided cloud nodes.

21 days included (3 nodes for 7 days)

Cloud Node

Multiple clouds are supported. You pay the cloud provider's price + the price of a connected node and potential traffic.

Traffic Cluster -> Node

First 10Gb: included/free
After 10Gb: 0.002$/Gb

All outgoing traffic from the cluster's control-plane to connected nodes is counted.

Managed Apps

Depends on the specific app. Some are free, some require licensing costs.